Poppi, Pepsi, and the Endless Corporate Cycle of Ruin

Imagine this: You discover a new drink, one that actually tastes great and delivers on its promise of being a better alternative to the chemical-laden sodas of old. It’s clean, refreshing, and—most importantly—it’s made by people who actually care about what they’re putting in their product. You root for this brand. You tell your friends about it. Maybe you even become a loyal customer.
And then it happens.
A corporate behemoth swoops in, waving billions, promising to "elevate the brand," to "expand its reach," to "help it grow." And deep down, you know exactly what’s coming. They’ll tweak the formula to cut costs, alienate the loyal customers who built the brand, and in a few short years, the product you loved will be unrecognizable.
Welcome to the latest chapter of the same old story: Pepsi’s acquisition of Poppi.
Big Business Doesn’t Build Brands, It Devours Them
History is littered with the corpses of small brands that dared to make something unique—only to be gobbled up by a multinational and left as a hollowed-out shell of their former selves. If you’ve been paying attention, you already know how this plays out:
- Ingredient Compromise: When a brand like Poppi starts with a core philosophy of clean ingredients and gut health, it builds its customer base around trust. The moment Pepsi gets involved, the priority shifts to increasing margins. Cheap fillers, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives will slowly find their way into the formula, all in the name of "efficiency."
- Loyal Customers Get Left Behind: Big corporations don’t care about loyalists. They care about volume. The minute Poppi’s original fans start noticing the taste change, they’ll jump ship, but Pepsi won’t care—because their goal is mass appeal, not niche loyalty.
- Brand Identity Dilution: Poppi stood out because it wasn’t Pepsi. Because it was something fresh, different, and real. Under corporate control, it will morph into yet another product with flashy branding and a watered-down mission.
Recognize the pattern?
• Topo Chico: Once an authentic sparkling mineral water brand, Coca-Cola swooped in, slapped the logo on canned carbonated tap water, and diluted its identity.
• Bai Antioxidant Drinks: Pepsi took over, quietly altered the formula, and lost its original loyal customer base.
• Smartwater: Once a premium hydration choice, now just another bottle blending into the shelf.
The formula is simple—big corporations buy beloved brands, strip away what made them special, and cash in while the soul disappears.
This isn’t speculation—it’s an inevitable pattern.
Why Big Corporations Can’t Leave Small Brands Alone
Pepsi doesn’t buy brands like Poppi because they want to "help them grow." They buy them because they can’t innovate on their own. The corporate giants have lost touch with what consumers actually want, so they wait for smaller, passionate entrepreneurs to do the hard work—then swoop in and buy them out.
For the original founders, this can be an unavoidable temptation. A billion-dollar payday is tough to resist. But what they don’t realize—or perhaps what they choose to ignore—is that their brand’s days are now numbered.
And for consumers? It’s an insult. Because we’re the ones who invested in these brands early on. We were the ones who took a risk on an unknown name, paid a premium for a product that wasn’t backed by a massive marketing budget, and told others about it because we genuinely loved what they were creating.
The Dangerous Long-Term Consequences of Corporate Consolidation
Beyond just ruining another good product, Pepsi’s acquisition of Poppi highlights a bigger problem: corporate monopolization of choice.
In theory, a free market is supposed to reward competition. But when a handful of giant corporations own everything, consumers are left with the illusion of choice. A quick look at the beverage industry reveals that Pepsi and Coca-Cola own almost every recognizable brand on the market.
- Think you’re choosing between different bottled waters? Dasani, Smartwater, and Topo Chico all belong to Coca-Cola. LifeWtr, Aquafina, and Propel are all Pepsi.
- Enjoy that "independent" kombucha? GT’s might be independent, but Pepsi owns KeVita, and Coca-Cola owns Health-Ade.
- Energy drinks? Red Bull is independent, but Monster is 20% owned by Coca-Cola, and Rockstar is fully owned by Pepsi.
The result? Mass-market mediocrity. Every product starts to taste the same because the goal isn’t quality—it’s scale.
A Call to Action: Protecting Small Brands From the Corporate Machine
If history has taught us anything, it’s that Pepsi’s purchase of Poppi isn’t the start of a success story—it’s the beginning of the end. So what can consumers do? We fight back.
1. Support Independent Brands: Be mindful of who actually owns the brands you buy. Seek out truly independent beverage companies that haven’t sold out.
2. Hold Corporations Accountable: If you notice a formula change or a decline in quality, make noise. Post about it. Let the brand know they’re losing the customers who made them successful.
3. Encourage Founders to Stay Independent: Founders of small brands need to understand that a short-term payday isn’t worth selling out the customers who built them. Support companies that choose independence.
Poppi was once a symbol of what’s possible when a small, passionate team creates something real. Now, it’s just another casualty in the endless corporate cycle of ruin.
The question is: Will we ever learn?
I am an Ad-Age, Emmy, Shorty, Telly, and Webby Award-Winning Social Media Strategist and Content Creator for outdoor lifestyle, adventure, travel, and recreation brands. With over two decades of experience, I’ve collaborated with key players in the outdoor lifestyle, adventure, food, beverage, music, and broadcast sectors to craft resonant stories. My expertise lies in developing innovative social media strategies and compelling narratives that engage audiences and elevate brand presence across digital platforms.

adage, emmy, telly & webby award-winning digital marketing consultant for purpose-driven food & beverage brands.