Wear Sunscreen: Timeless Advice for Outdoor Enthusiasts

If I could offer you one essential tip for your adventures, sunscreen would be it. The benefits are scientifically proven, while the rest of my advice stems from experience. Here’s some wisdom for your outdoor lifestyle journey.

Embrace Your Youth
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. You might not appreciate it now, but in twenty years, you’ll look back and see how much possibility lay before you. Those photos you snap on your hikes and road trips will remind you of your youthful energy and freedom. You’re not as fat as you think.

Don’t Sweat the Future
Worrying about the future is futile. The real troubles are often the unexpected ones. Instead of stressing, focus on the present. Take on challenges that scare you, whether it’s a daunting trail or a new adventure. Sing your heart out around the campfire.

Respect Relationships
Be gentle with people’s hearts and don’t tolerate those who aren’t careful with yours. Floss. Jealousy is a waste of time. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind, but in the end, it’s a personal journey. Cherish compliments and let go of insults.

Keep What Matters
Hold on to sentimental items like old love letters, but toss unnecessary clutter like old bank statements. Stretch. It’s easy to feel lost about your future, but that’s okay. Many interesting people didn’t have it figured out at 22, or even at 40.

Care for Your Body
Get plenty of calcium and be kind to your knees; you’ll miss them when they’re gone. Whether you marry or not, have children or not, don’t over-celebrate or berate yourself for your choices. They’re half chance, like everyone else’s.

Enjoy Your Body
Use it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of it or worry about what others think. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own. Dance, even if it’s just in your living room. Read directions, even if you don’t follow them. Avoid beauty magazines; they’ll only make you feel ugly.

Cherish Family and Friends
Get to know your parents; you never know when they’ll be gone. Be nice to your siblings—they link you to your past and will likely stick with you in the future. Friends will come and go, but hold on to the precious few. Bridge gaps in geography and lifestyle because as you age, you need the people who knew you when you were young.

Experience Life
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept that prices will rise, politicians will falter, and you, too, will grow old. When you do, you’ll remember the good times when life seemed simpler.

Be Independent
Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Trust funds and wealthy spouses can run out. Be cautious with your hair; by 40, it might look 85 if you mess with it too much. Be careful whose advice you buy, but be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, a way to revisit and recycle the past.

Trust the Sunscreen
Outdoor brands know the value of sunscreen. It’s a small item with a big impact, much like the wisdom shared here. As you embark on adventures, whether it's overlanding, hiking, or simply enjoying nature, remember the sunscreen. It’s not just about protection; it’s about longevity and savoring each moment under the sun.

How This Advice Applies to Outdoor Lifestyle Brands

Understanding Your Audience
Outdoor lifestyle brands can take a cue from this timeless advice. Focus on your audience's needs—offer them products that enhance their adventures and protect their health. Just as sunscreen is a small but vital part of any outdoor kit, your products should be indispensable to your customers.

Embrace Authenticity
Customers appreciate authenticity. Share real stories and experiences. Highlight the beauty of enjoying the moment, just as the advice encourages. This approach builds trust and loyalty, essential for any brand aiming to thrive in the outdoor market.

Promote Self-Care
Encourage your audience to care for their bodies. Whether it’s promoting ergonomic gear or wellness products, emphasize the importance of self-care. Outdoor enthusiasts need to stay healthy and fit to enjoy their adventures to the fullest.

Foster Community
Create a sense of community. Outdoor adventures are often about the people you share them with. Develop platforms and events that bring your audience together. Encourage them to share their stories and experiences, strengthening their connection to your brand.

Adapt and Grow
Stay adaptable. Prices will rise, and markets will shift, but a brand that evolves with the times will endure. Keep your products and strategies fresh and relevant to meet your audience’s changing needs.

Promote Independence
Encourage self-reliance and confidence. Your brand should empower customers to take on new challenges, explore new places, and trust in their gear. Highlight products that support independence and adventure.

Remember the Basics
Never forget the basics. Just as sunscreen is essential, ensure your core products are top-notch. Quality and reliability build a strong foundation for your brand’s reputation.

By integrating these timeless principles into your brand’s strategy, you can create meaningful connections with your audience, foster loyalty, and ensure long-term success in the outdoor lifestyle market.

I am an Ad-Age, Emmy, Shorty, Telly, and Webby Award-Winning Social Media Strategist and Content Creator for outdoor lifestyle, adventure, travel, and recreation brands. With over two decades of experience, I specialize in crafting inspiring and engaging narratives that elevate the outdoor lifestyle sector. My work focuses on creating impactful social media strategies that captivate audiences and foster strong, loyal communities.

adage, emmy, telly & webby award-winning digital marketing consultant for purpose-driven food & beverage brands.